Thursday, March 15, 2012

6 days until spring is officially here!! I don't know about you, but I am ready for it. This winter has been pretty hard on me with all of the colds and infections I have been dealing with. I normally do not get sick but when I do uggghhhhh it's bad!

I am especially excited for spring because I get to throw a wonderful surprise baby shower for my soon to be daughter in law :) I am actually going to attempt making the cake all by myself haha...this should be very interesting as I have NEVER used fondant before. 

Also looking forward to many trips through the mountains and a few to the beach.

Let's not forget about the dreaded spring cleaning!! While we are on the subject, what plans do you have this year for spring cleaning?? I plan on getting rid of several boxes of unused clothing. Re-organizing drawers in my kitchen. And seeking some kitchen DIY projects. First one i found was this: Now this is definitely going to help me have more room!!

The next one I thought was really cool was this: I want to add these to my cupboards so that I can keep track of what i need to buy and also pin recipe ideas as well as coupons!! Awesome thinking :)

What are some of your ideas on organizing?? 


  1. that is brilliant! I am going to buy something similar today! AHH.. thanks!

    Stopping by/following from 99%

  2. stopping by from the drop your alexa blog hop
